Sunday 2 February 2014

Day one: good thing I like watermelon

So, first day of 12wbt is shaping up to be extremely interesting. 

(Time for background info I suppose)
My fiancé and I have a very low income to begin with, but over the past couple of weeks have been doing it even tougher than usual with some issues meaning my payments have been suspended and his dodgy boss owing him more than three week of income. This has left us struggling to get by on the meager pittance he gets from his restaurant job. As you can imagine we are behind in most of our bills and there are next to no groceries in the house. 

Back to what I was saying. 
Breakfast this morning was easy enough to do. I had quinoa in the cupboard and everything else in the recipe was basic every day ingredients. Lunch and dinner, well, I have no idea at all how I am going to manage to make them, but I'll give it my best shot. 

The part that has amused me so thoroughly is my prescribed snacks today were some slices of watermelon with a feta cheese and olive mixture. Obvious I don't have the cheese or olives, I did however have a rather large watermelon in the fridge. So I hit google. How much watermelon do I need to eat, over the period of today, to make up my snack allowance you ask? Oh just, you know, a casual 1.16kgs! 

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